In the DTD when you put your attribute datatypes they have to be capitalized obv because the
datatypes are defined that way.
So I was trying to put "id" instead of "ID" so do keep this in mind XMLSpy throws wierd error for this.
From the specificaton
NMTOKEN type can contain only letters, digits and point [ . ] , hyphen [ - ], underline [ _ ] and colon [ : ] . NMTOKENS can contain the same characters as NMTOKEN plus whitespaces. White space consists of one or more space characters, carriage returns, line feeds, or tabs.
More findings
When you want to specify values to
(data | active | updated) #REQUIRED
note that the the datatype is not required out here
This is thought was more of my study kinda blog then i realise what have i done at the end of day types :) , but let's see will start writing more stuff too
just came from harini blog
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