Friday, October 20, 2006

VIM split

Vim viewport keybinding quick reference

:sp will split the Vim window horizontally. Can be written out entirely as :split .

:vsp will split the Vim window vertically. Can be written out as :vsplit .

Ctrl-w Ctrl-w moves between Vim viewports.

Ctrl-w j moves one viewport down.

Ctrl-w k moves one viewport up.

Ctrl-w h moves one viewport to the left.

Ctrl-w l moves one viewport to the right.

Ctrl-w = tells Vim to resize viewports to be of equal size.

Ctrl-w - reduce active viewport by one line.

Ctrl-w + increase active viewport by one line.

Ctrl-w q will close the active window.

Ctrl-w r will rotate windows to the right.

Ctrl-w R will rotate windows to the left.



מורג said...
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me_me_me said...

CTRL W + >
CTRL W + <
will move vsp by one line respectively